Top 5 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Cost Them Thousands

Small business owners are the beating heart of the American economy. They are the innovators, the risk-takers, and those who see opportunity where others see only challenges. But even the most talented and determined small business owners can make costly mistakes that derail their success. This article will answer five questions about small businesses' most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Do I need a website for my small business?

Yes, small businesses need a website. A website is an essential tool for any small business, and it's a great way to show professionalism and add credibility to your business. A website allows you to introduce your business to the world, showcase your products and services, and give people more information about you and your business. You can also use your website to collect email addresses for newsletters, enabling you to connect with customers, send them updates, and build relationships with them. Additionally, you can use blog posts and discounts to drive traffic to your website, attract new customers, and grow your business.

If you need help figuring out how to start, plenty of affordable website builders can help you create a professional-looking website without needing to know any code. WordPress, Squarespace, and GoDaddy are all great options that offer easy-to-use interfaces and plenty of features to get your website up and running.

If you don't have a website for your small business, you're missing out on an easy opportunity to grow your business. 

Am I spending enough on marketing for my small business?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including your business goals, industry, and annual revenue. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the ideal marketing budget will vary depending on the size of your target audience and the number of paid platforms you want to use.

 According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, businesses with revenue under $5 million should allocate 7-8% of their total budget to marketing. However, this percentage varies depending on the industry, with consumer packaged goods spending 24% of their budget on marketing compared to 12% for service consulting and 4% for energy.

Additionally, a new small business (1-5 years old) may want to allocate up to 20% of their budgets to marketing, as it is essential to build brand awareness in the early stages.

There is no easy answer regarding how much you should spend on marketing for your small business. However, by considering your specific goals and industry, you can develop a marketing budget to help you reach your target audience and succeed. You should continually reassess your budget and be adaptable to change your plans based on new information and what marketing efforts are currently achieving results.

What are some tasks I can outsource to save money?

If you struggle to balance your time between the different tasks that fill up an entire week, it might be worth looking into outsourcing some work. For example, if blog posts take more than half a day out of each week, having someone write them for lower prices could save money in the long run, and you can use that half day on higher-level tasks and strategies.

Outsourcing can be a great way to save money on your budget. One of the most common areas to outsource is accounting. An accountant can help increase efficiency and save money by helping you stay organized and keep track of your expenses. A good marketing firm can help you quickly grow your business and reach more customers; salespeople can bring in new clients. IT consultants can manage your company's technology needs, and an administrative assistant can handle scheduling and follow-up emails. Doing a quick exercise and estimating how much time you are spending each month on each task or spending a few weeks tracking your time to see where you could benefit from outsourcing can help you determine which tasks to outsource to save money.

How can automation help streamline processes?

Automation may assist in streamlining procedures in a variety of ways. For example, using a CRM to track leads and manage customer relationships can enable automated referral and feedback requests after a customer makes a purchase or is invoiced. Automating time-consuming, repetitive processes allows you to focus on more critical tasks, like acquiring new clients or raising money from investors. Automation can also help with data collection and reporting on crucial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as the number of new clients acquired each week or the level of satisfaction of your customers. Utilizing KPIs enables you to make data-driven decisions about the direction of your business.

Overall, automation can save you time and money by allowing you to focus on high-value tasks and making it easier to collect and track data. When used correctly, automation can be a powerful tool for streamlining processes and growing your business.

How do I hire the right people to grow my business?

Hiring the right people is essential to growing your business. When hiring, finding individuals who share your company's vision and whom you can trust to help carry out that vision is critical. You want to hire people committed to sticking around long-term and passionate about your organization's mission. It can also be helpful to hire people familiar with your industry. By finding the right people and assessing their skills and fit, you can ensure that you hire individuals who will help your business grow.

Here are a few things you can do to make sure you are hiring the right people:

1. Use a job posting that accurately describes the position and requirements.

2. Screen candidates carefully, using questions that accurately reflect the position and company culture.

3. Check references and past employers to understand their work history and skills.

4. Conduct interviews in a relaxed setting where you can get to know them better as individuals.

5. Make sure the offer is fair and includes benefits that are important to them.


Running a small business is not for the faint-hearted. There are many things to juggle, and knowing where to allocate your time and resources can be challenging. This article outlines the top 5 mistakes small businesses make that cost them thousands of dollars. For your business to succeed, avoiding these costly errors is essential. Implementing the advice in this post will help you streamline your operations and increase your profits.

If you have any questions or need assistance implementing these tips, please get in touch with me at I offer a free consultation to help you assess your business needs and determine how to best help grow your business.


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